Thursday, February 25, 2010

[trans] leader left a message on dsp webby!

A very very short one. ^^ He left it 30 minutes ago!

Hmm, is he welcoming us...hahahahaha!

Thanks to violet for the translation ^^


[Hyun Joong]............................................ 2010-02-26 오전 12:30:50

let's see on saturday and sunday.....................................i have nothing to say.

khahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (just laughing)

let's play starcraft after concert.


Below is Leader's original message in hangul on DSP

[현중]............................................ 2010-02-26 오전 12:30:50

............................................ 2010-02-26 오전 12:30:50



콘서트끝나고 스타나하자


liezle said...

also maknae left a message too on tweeter[if it's really him ^^] he said :


2010, 02, 27~28 올림픽체조경기장 SS501 앵콜 콘서트로 오세요~

Anonymous said...

*sooooobbbbb* how i wish i could b on a plane to seoul now~~~!!!!!!!!!

wuri leader...... i miss u!!!!!!

KimYoungMeen said...

LIezle take many pics of them especially leader n beday boy kyu jong oppa

Beth said...

I saw another version of translation as following:

Come to see me on Saturday and Sunday.....I don't say anything else( or this is all I wanted to say)......